Maria Ackerman
Realtor Associate
A little bit about me...
Maria Ackerman is a Circle Of Excellence award winning Realtor who brings over twenty years
of Real Estate experience to the NJ Property Experts team located within Coldwell Banker
Residential Brokerage of Westfield, New Jersey. Representing Central New Jersey homeowners
and future homeowners in Union, Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Morris Counties, Maria's
creative, enthusiastic, and caring nature is perfect for matching each client’s desires as well as
skillfully presenting a home’s unique presence and character. Maria joined the Central New
Jersey Real Estate force after a career as an account executive in the New York City fashion
industry. After giving birth to her first child in 2001 she realized it was time to work closer to
home in order to be closer to her growing family. Her years spent working with national
department store chains such as Neiman Marcus, Dillards and Nordstrom were the perfect
preparation for her years selling Real Estate. As a resident of Scotch Plains since 1997, Maria
has been very active in the community having served on many volunteer committees. She held
the position of Vice President of the Evergreen School's Parent Teacher Association for two
years while her two children attended elementary school. For the past five years she has been
active with The Friends of Valley Brook, an action network assisting local veterans. Maria's
contacts and long-time area residency leverage her energy and enthusiasm, enhancing her
client dedication and ensuring satisfied repeat clients and referrals.